
Born and raised in France, I actually hadn’t visited the country that much compared to Italy, Spain or the United Kingdom (or even Bulgaria, now that I think about it). That was up until 2019. After deciding to change jobs and go back to school, I made a few changes.

As a child, obviously, I visited a few places in France (mostly in Brittany though), but I feel like it’s not the same when you’re following your parents rather than planning your itinerary and stopping where YOU want to stop. I remember some sensations or memories from these family holidays, but not much about the places or where I actually went. For example, I remember rain, sleeping in a tent, walking on pebbles at the beach, but I couldn’t tell you where we stayed.

To study, I moved to Toulouse and discovered a lot of new places in the region and beyond. I achieved some goals, like seeing the lavander fields in Provence and walking on the Sentiers des ocres!

This year, I moved to a new region to start a new job as a web editor. I’ll now be exploring the Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes region. I also would like to go to Switzerland.

👉🏻 To read the articles about France