
I visited Iceland twice, once during Winter, around Christmas 2014, and the second time at the end of June (in 2017). Both time, I was with friends. The first time was a few days with organized activities, the second time was a road-trip that lasted a week.

Iceland is an incredible country, with stunning views everywhere you go, no matter the season. In Summer, days never end, and we went for a hike at around 7pm, saw glaciers and waterfalls, and when we came back around 11pm, the birds were still singing and the sun was still out. It ‘s a crazy experience. Our week in Iceland made us feel like anything was possible.

A lot of people feel the same and, unfortunately, this causes mass tourism. The government is looking for ways to limit the number of tourists in order to preserve the Icelandic wonders. Our guide was talking about this when we were hiking on the glacier. It’s a bit sad, but I heard the same kind of story in Croatia and in Thailand.

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