
I never heard anything about Luxembourg and that made me curious. I was like “Come on, there must be something in this country worth seeing! Why don’t we hear about it?”

So I asked my friend Emilie who knows the country and she gave me some pointers. That was in 2022. I planned a one-week trip and then… Nothing.

2022 was chaotic for me. But in 2023, I opened my Excel sheet again (yes, I’m that organized) and I updated it. And in June, I took the train to Metz and Luxembourg.

When I was in Luxembourg, I asked people why they were visiting Luxembourg, they usually didn’t really have a reason. It was more like “Well, I don’t know. I wanted to try.”

I spent a few days in the capital, Luxembourg city and I liked it. The weather was amazing, I wasn’t expecting that!

After, I took the train and bus to Vianden, a little city where Victor Hugo lived for a little while. And I took the bus to Esch-sur-Sûre for a short hike and to see the ruins of the castle.

Luxembourg is a nice destination, I think, if you want to hike and chill. If you want something extraordinary and full of colors, maybe choose another destination.

👉🏻 To read the articles about Luxembourg