
First time in Spain

Even though Spain is a close neighbour of France, I did not visit it until 2012. At the beginning of my career as a freelance translator, I encountered some difficulties and decided to do an internship to keep my motivation intact. It was also the occasion to have colleagues and to properly learn Spanish. I had taught myself some basics, but had never really learnt it in a class.

That’s how I spent about three months and a half in Spain in 2012. I lived and worked in Bilbao, but visited cities during the weekend, and I concluded my stay by doing a trip to Barcelona with my mum. I really enjoyed this time in Spain and thought that it would be nice to come back some day to visit the South.

Discovering the South of Spain

And that’s what I did in 2016. I moved to Alicante and worked from there as a freelance translator for four months. During that time, I visited some of the most beautiful cities in the world: Granada, Sevilla, Cordoba…

This experience was very different from the one I had in the Basque Country. I loved both of these regions, but it really felt as if I was in different countries. The rythm, the weather, the food… I think that it is good to see all of Spain, not just Barcelona. So now, I love Spain and Spanish food, even though my spoken Spanish remains basic. 🙂

A Bus Trip Away

In 2022, I did it again: I went back to Spain. Living in Toulouse, I was really close to Spain. So, I booked a bus ticket and lived a second Summer in Barcelona in mid-November. It was only for a few days, but it really recharged my batteries.

So much beauty, so much sun, so much freedom suddenly! I was running away from work. Once again, I dreamt in the heart of the Sagrada Familia and breathed fresh air in the park Guëll. I went up Montjuic, I discovered the Palau de la musica catalana. I ate tapas. I travelled to Girona to meet a friend. Spain always makes me feel free and that trip was no exception.

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