Chilling In A Cottage In Canada

After my rather complicated last days in Mexico, I was relieved to fly to Toronto to meet one of my best friends. She was waiting for me with a balloon, but it slipped from her wrist before I could hug her, and we laughed looking at the balloon joining some friends on the airport ceiling. Her boyfriend was waiting for us just in front of the airport, and we drove directly to his parents’ cottage. A cottage in Canada: the perfect place to rest.

Blue Jay

Our Initial Plan: A Cottage In Canada

I hadn’t seen my friend, Florence, since our trip to Venice, nearly exactly a year before. We had been planning my stay in Toronto for a while and she wanted us to rent a cottage outside the city, to enjoy nature. In the end, we didn’t need to rent anything, because her boyfriend’s parents had a cottage in the Six Mile Lake area.

It was perfect. Because of the car accident, I hadn’t been able to sleep during the previous nights. But changing environment, being with a friend, in a welcoming family, with two fluffy dogs, and spending the evening watching a hockey game on TV made me feel OK and I finally slept.

Lake in Canada

Feeling Like A Canadian Snow White

We started our second day by feeding chipmunks and blue jays. Yes, you read it right. We fed them sunflower seeds and peanuts. They were a bit hesitant, but some chipmunks came closer. It was so beautiful, and I was able to take lovely pictures. I don’t think I had seen wild chipmunks before. They are just adorable!

There were also hairy woodpeckers, but they remained further away and only came to the feeders. I tried to take pictures of them, but they were too fast and the photos are all more or less blurry.

Chipmunk in the cottage in Canada

Blue Jay in the cottage in Canada

Hairy Woodpecker

A Walk On The Yellow Line

As you may know it, like in the US, the line on the Canadian roads is yellow. After feeding the birds and chipmunks, we went for a walk along the road, and I felt like I was in a movie. The yellow line, the stunning views around us and the very windy weather made the whole thing seem surreal.

Since it was Autumn, the trees were dressed in wonderful colours: yellow, orange, red, pinkish, and green. The sky was blue, but the weather was a bit rainy and the wind was blowing in our hair, and leaves were dancing everywhere.

Walk from a cottage in Canada

Forest and road in Canada

A Hot Tub In A Cottage In Canada: What More Do You Want?

It’s raining outside, how about we get in the jacuzzi? Yes, that’s how Canadians do it! They sure know how to live their best life. So here we were in the bubbly waters, relaxing with a view on the lake. I could totally get used to that.

The Last Boat Ride Before Winter Comes

To conclude this dreamy weekend, we did a boat trip on the lake, looking at the colourful forest and the big houses. It was really chilly, but we had warm clothes, blankets and ridiculous hats.

Boat trip on the lake

These two days were very important for me, for my mental and physical health. I truly think that, during a trip that lasts several months, you should always leave yourself some days to relax and do nothing much. Otherwise, you’ll just exhaust yourself and won’t enjoy the whole trip.

I decided to write this article because I deeply miss Florence. I haven’t seen her since that trip, i.e. more than two years ago. Because of Covid-19, I missed her wedding and I yet have to meet her goofy dog. We keep in touch and speak regularly, but I can’t wait to hug her. I know you understand me, because we’re all feeling far away from our loved ones these days. Stay strong, we’ll hug our friends again some day!

Photo by Florence

To see more photos of Canada, you can visit the gallery Canada.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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2 Responses

  1. 16 September 2022

    […] At the time, I was living in London. Since my brother was in Quebec and one of my friends lived in Toronto, I decided to take a plane to Canada. It definitely was an adventure, the furthest I had been […]

  2. 25 November 2022

    […] Dubrovnik, I also met Ana, a friend of Florence, my friend who lives in Canada. Ana is Croatian and she got Anita and I tickets to take the cable […]

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