Live Every Moment Like An Adventure!

Recently, I’ve gone to a small aquarium. It could have been boring. But it became sort of a quest! You see, I hadn’t taken any cash, had forgotten my checkbook and they didn’t take the card. So I had to walk even further than I originally planned and look for a bank to withdraw some money. Doing this, I discovered a new park and found the botanical garden I’d been searching for since I arrived here. And then, at the aquarium, I met a guy who likes taking photos of the stars… When I told her about my afternoon, one of my friends said that it was funny how every time I go out, it sounds like an adventure!

A castle in Metz, France
A castle in Metz, France

Why Does Everything Feels Like An Adventure?

I have a friend who lives a very ordinary life, but when she tells me about it, it’s so funny and interesting! It’s like she suddenly turns into Bridget Jones and any situation sounds exciting and unexpected. The way she recounts it, I can visualize every minute of it, as if it were a movie.

And I realized that I am similar in that way. We are great storytellers. People often tell me they like it when I talk about my trips or things that happened to me. They are amazed at how much stuff happens to me!

But maybe, it’s just how I experience life. I think that other people wouldn’t have gotten the same experience from the same things as me (or as my friend). But because we are very observant and feel deeply, we catch details or feelings that others wouldn’t.

And it’s great because we are never bored! Also, it helps that we are good with languages because it means we can put the right words in order to tell the story exactly as we lived it and immerse people in it.

Experiencing the museum like an adventure. Dancers in Saint-Étienne, France
Dancers in Saint-Étienne, France

But There’s A Downside…

The downside of living every day like an adventure and feeling deeply is that it can turn into drama really quickly. Things that are not that dire can become overwhelming. We think a lot, analyze a lot. As I said, we catch every detail.

I wouldn’t want to live a less exciting life, but I would love to feel less exhausted by every minute of it. Maybe it’s also linked to the fact that I’m half introvert and half extroverted. When every instant is a lot, you need some time in your dungeon to take a breath, read a book and sleep before chasing your next dragon.

It’s hard to balance all of that. My mind is constantly at work, thinking, imagining future things, analyzing past ones.

Some people have told me that I’m too nice and naive. I don’t think so. I try to understand people and their actions. Everyone of us has a story. However, most of the times, I’m able to remove myself from a situation before getting hurt and I’m also perfectly able to tell you to fuck off if you go too far.

Seeing the best in the world is also a question of survival. If I focus too much on how shitty the world is, I’ll be deeply depressed. Sometimes, I don’t really see the point of going through all the bad things. So I pay attention, in order to see the point and notice when things (and people) are good.

Me overthinking things
Me, overthinking things

This is a short article, but it was more about sharing than anything else.

To read more thoughts, you can access the page Thoughts.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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