My First Time In Luxembourg

Last June, I traveled to Luxembourg for the first time. I planned my trip last year, but couldn’t go in the end. This year, since I am no longer living in Toulouse but near Lyon, I am closer to Luxembourg. So, I took a few days off to travel by train around Luxembourg, stopping in Metz on my way there and in Strasbourg on my way back.

Arriving to Luxembourg

An Unusually Good Weather In Luxembourg

When I organized my trip, I thought that there might be some rain and grey weather. Fortunately for me, I checked the forecast before packing only jeans and jackets and I brought Summer clothes as well. The weather was incredibly good for Luxembourg in June. Sun and heat were there.

And I loved it, but it was a bit too much. Especially because my hostel dormitory didn’t have AC and we couldn’t really open the window (security, you know). On the second day, some girls asked for the key to open the window and it was a game changer. I can say for sure that everybody slept better. On the first day, some girls had gotten sick because of the heat…

If you travel to Luxembourg, do not assume the weather will be cold. Come prepared with different sets of clothes. You can also buy clothes there, but Luxembourg can be expensive.

A Walking Tour To Learn More About Luxembourg City And Country

On my first day, I had booked a city tour. It was a 2-hours walking tour, and I definitely recommend it. The guide was very interesting and quite funny. I learned a lot about the history of Luxembourg and it’s also a good way to understand the old city streets.

I booked an English tour because French wasn’t available on the dates of my trip, but also because I meet foreigners and I like it. That day, I met an American solo traveler and after the tour, we chatted for a bit.

The tour explains a lot about Luxembourg. For example, I didn’t know that, at some point, the country was much bigger. I was very interested by the story of the Portuguese princess Infanta Marie Anne of Portugal who became the Grand Duchess by marrying Grand Duke Guillaume IV. That explains why there are so many Portuguese people in Luxembourg.

Also, the story of Grand Duchess Charlotte who came to the throne after the abdication of her sister, Marie-Adélaïde. It actually reminded me of Queen Elizabeth II.

Good to know: the Grand Duke is in the city if you see guards in front of the palace, and he’s in the palace if you see the flag.

The palace

Grand Duchess Charlotte
Grand Duchess Charlotte
Charlotte of Luxembourg

An Evening Following The Wenzel Circular Walk

If you can’t book a walking tour (or another tour) because there’s none planned during your stay or because you don’t have the money, you can do the Wenzel circular walk. It’s free. All you have to do is follow the signs.

It was supposed to be long, but it only took me an hour, I think. Maybe I got lost at some point or maybe I didn’t stop as long as they think you should. Anyway, it’s a great walk around the old city, with beautiful gardens and you’ll see the statue of Melusina, the mermaid.

Siren in Luxembourg

Wenzel Circular Walk

Escaping The Heat In The Petrusse Casemates

On my second day, even though I couldn’t book any slot online, I managed to visit the Petrusse casemates. I went to the tourist office and the lady booked a visit for me on the very same morning. That was perfect!

If you’re like me, you probably don’t know what casemates are. They are shelters and galleries underground in Luxembourg City. They are quite old, the Petrusse casemates were part of the modernisation of the fortifications by the Spanish. Some of them are now closed, but others are open and you can visit them, like the Petrusse ones.

They served several purposes like protection during the wars, locations to party and cellars to grow mushrooms. The visit was fun and a really good choice on a very hot day. The caves are fresh. However, I wouldn’t recommend it if you are claustrophobic.

Petrusse casemates

Petrusse casemates mushroom cellars

Another Side Of Luxembourg: The European District

At the end of my second day, I wanted to see the European district of Luxembourg. It took me a while because I walked part of the road, and then, I got a bit lost. It’s actually quite far from the old center, so I would recommend taking a bus or the tram, especially if the weather is hot.

It’s a completely different world from the old town. And because people were working and it was hot, there were not many people in the streets. It kind of felt like an apocalypse movie. Like I was the only one left and the world had ended. I walked for a while under the sun to reach the Mudam. It was closed, but I wanted to see what it looked like.

In the end, I didn’t enjoy that part of Luxembourg city: too many skyscrapers, too much heat, and I was tired. Maybe it’s nicer during another season.

Regarding museums, be aware that they are open on certain days, not every day. On one day, you’ll have part of the museums open and the next day, the other part. Check the opening days online before going. In the old center, I visited the Lëtzebuerg City Museum and I liked it.

European center of Luxembourg

Luxembourg European district

To see more photos of Luxembourg, you can visit the gallery Luxembourg.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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