Visiting Vianden And Its Castle

After visiting Luxembourg City, I took a train and a bus (for free) to Vianden. Why Vianden? Well, one of my friends told me it was partly famous because Victor Hugo had lived there for a while, so I thought that I might give it a go. The second reason is less about the city and more about accommodation. There was a Slipknot concert in Luxembourg and all the hotels, hostels and airbnbs were either full or too expensive. So, I booked two nights in Vianden.

Vianden castle

Wrong Choice Of Accommodation In Vianden

Lost In Translation

Even though the hostel in Luxembourg City was not the most comfortable accommodation, it was practical and clean. In Vianden, I had booked a private room with a private bathroom, thinking it would be great. Well, it wasn’t.

Even if the staff was nice, it was impossible to communicate with them. I tried English, French, Italian and I got smiles but no answers. I arrived before 3pm, so I left my suitcase there. It seemed ok, even if I had to explain several times.

When I came back, I was told that the room I had booked was not available as they were replacing the toilets and so I could not use the toilets, the shower or the sink. They offered another option: a room with only a sink and two single beds. Not what I paid for. The man who was replacing the toilet spoke French and told me that the replacement should be finished within 2 hours. So I left my suitcase in the other room and locked it.

Lost Patience

When I came back, two hours and a half later, at about 8pm, they were still replacing the toilets and the room where I had left my suitcase was open… At this point, I lost patience and got angry! I had to pay in advance days before the trip, and now, I was stuck there and couldn’t even go somewhere else. The French guy told me that the lady didn’t understand a thing and that she shouldn’t have sent me there because there was another room for me downstairs. He took my suitcase and gave me the keys to the other room. It was a double bed with a private bathroom and I was getting really tired, so I said yes. What choice did I have?

Do Not Go There

In the room, the only plug there was not fixed to the wall, just to some cables and didn’t seem very safe. The bed sheets had stains, the shower was leaking, the tiny sink moved at every car passing by the hotel, the door didn’t close properly and I had no view. I slept on the bed, not inside. And on the next day, someone tried to enter my room at 4pm as I was inside and I had to tell them that was my room. So, if you go to Vianden, do not go to Café Hotel de ville de Bruxelles. I should have read all the comments online, some are awful.

Castle from above

Visiting Vianden

That said, if you choose a proper accommodation, Vianden is a very cute city! There are not that many things to do, but enough to keep you busy for a few days, especially if you use it as HQ to visit other cities in Luxembourg. The country is small and transports are free, remember.

Going To The Top Of Vianden With The Chairlift

If you want to have a view on Vianden, you can either walk (several paths, it’s not too hard to climb) or use the chairlift. It’s 6.50 euros one way and 9.00 euros return.

Now, if you’re like me, you might confuse chairlift and cable car… This is not the same thing. I was waiting for a cabin to arrive. You should have seen my face when I realized that it was just a chair with only a bar to hold me. As my feet were dangling above the river and the road, I regretted some life choices and tried to breathe. I’m afraid of heights when it feels unsafe (roller coasters, chairlifts, big wheels…).

I was happy not to walk up to the top because it was really hot, but I was also very very happy to get out of the chairlift and to have bought only one way. Pheww!

Vianden's chairlift

Visiting Vianden’s Castle

From the top of the city, I walked down the hill. Now, be careful, some paths are closed for construction works. The lady from the tourist office told me there were several paths I could take, but actually, most of them were closed. I crossed a giant tractor and didn’t feel super safe.

When I was there (June 2023), they were also doing some work around the castle, but I think that it’s finished now. The castle itself is subject to several renovations, as it was apparently a ruin before they decided to rebuild it. They have done really well.

I took my time and visiting the whole castle took me less than an hour. There are exhibitions about the constructions and renovations of the castle, about Luxembourg and about history. Overall, I thought that it was interesting without being too much. I particularly liked the big room with open windows. Because the renovations are still ongoing, it might be even more beautiful in a few years.

castle renovated

Complicated lock
A complicated lock

Vianden castle window

Vianden castle room

Victor Hugo Museum

The museum is right in the center of Vianden, so you shouldn’t have any trouble finding it. It’s a small house with 2 floors.

There’s a lot to read and it can be too much. At some point, I felt like my brain had had enough. If you are passionate about Victor Hugo, this museum is for you. If not, it might not be the best attraction for you. However, it’s not very expensive, so you could give it a try. A video explains some things.

Even if I enjoyed the visit, I would have liked more interactivity and less documents to read. I learned quite a few things about Victor Hugo. I never knew he had spent years in Luxembourg.

Walks Around The City

I didn’t have the time or the courage to do them, but there are walks you do along the river and on the ramparts. To know more and get maps, do not hesitate to ask the tourist office.

Side of the castle

To see more photos of Luxembourg, you can visit the gallery Luxembourg.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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