Lake Geneva, Its Water Fountain And Monster

Back when I was a translator, I used to translate tourism pages about Switzerland from Italian into French. It all seemed so fantastic: the lakes, the mountains, the big cities and charming villages… I even wrote a text about some place where you can hike with llamas! But I never had the opportunity to visit Switzerland, so frustrating! Being currently so close to the border, I thought that I should just take a train and go. So, in March 2024, I took two trains and arrived in Geneva in 3 hours. The first things I saw were disappointing: shops and shops of Swiss watches and knives. But then, I reached the docks and saw Lake Geneva… So beautiful!

Swans on Lake Geneva

History And Stories About Lake Geneva

Lake Geneva Or Lake Léman

In French, we call the lake “lac léman“, which is actually kind of funny because Léman already means lake. The lake is shared between France and Switzerland. Indeed, the border is very close to Geneva, and that’s why it was so easy for me to travel to the city. To go to Zurich or Lugano, it takes much more time. And remember, Switzerland has 4 languages if we include Romanche. So, depending on where you are, locals will speak French, German or Italian.

Even though it was March, some people were swimming in the lake. I was already a bit cold, so I wouldn’t dare, but the water was very clear. I’ve rarely seen such clean waters near a big city.

Otherwise, you can go on Lake Geneva by hopping on one of the “mouettes” (seagulls), those small yellow boats that help you go from one place to another. They are part of the public transport network. There are also cruises organized by the local companies. I did one that lasted 50 minutes with the Compagnie Générale de Navigation (GGN).

Bains des Paquis

Girl in front of the lake


The Monster In The Lake

There have been several testimonies about a monster in the lake Geneva, some describing a dragon with phosphorescent eyes, some others saying it was a giant snake. A fisherman from Thonon said it was a reptile straight out of nightmares and it threw him 3 meters above the surface. All of the fish he had caught was ejected in the water and according to him, that might have been what saved his life.

Experts in cryptozoology confirm that an ancient creature might have survived in the depth of the lake.

Lake Geneva

View from La Perle Du Lac

Lake Geneva at night

The Famous “Jet D’Eau” Of Lake Geneva

The “Jet D’Eau” is not some brand new tourist attraction, it was already a symbol of the city in 1891. In fact, at the beginning, it was not meant as something beautiful, but as something useful. Originally, the water fountain allowed the excess pressure of a hydraulic plant to be released. In 1891, it was relocated in the harbor of Lake Geneva and officially became a tourist attraction.

I had heard about it and thought it might be overrated. But I truly think not. The water fountain is incredibly high (about 140 meters) and the water comes out at 200km per hour! Next to it, people seem tiny. And when there’s some sun, there are beautiful rainbows.

You can observe it from pretty much all around Lake Geneva. The view is nice from the Bains des Paquis.

Geneva Jet d'eau

Rainbow over the lighthouse

Jet d'eau from boat

Jet d'eau at night

To see more pictures of Switzerland, you can visit the gallery Switzerland.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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