Seeing The Statue Of Liberty For The First Time

October 2014, I did what a lot of travelers dream of: I went to visit New York! That was my first big trip overseas. At the time, I was living in London. Since my brother was in Quebec and one of my friends lived in Toronto, I decided to take a plane to Canada. It definitely was an adventure, the furthest I had been before was Budapest, and it was by bus. I was going to see the famous Statue of Liberty!

Statue of Liberty

Sleepy Eyes In New York’s Morning

To get to New York, I took the bus from Toronto. I left at 10am and arrived at 10pm. I was a bit worried at the border. I had nothing to hide, but it’s like when I see policemen and I suddenly feel like they are going to arrest me. Of course, everything was OK.

I was really tired when I arrived at the hostel. Most people were asleep in the room, so I did my best not to make too much noise and to put all my stuff in the locker. Early in the morning, my alarm rang. Most people were still sleeping. I took my bag and left.

It’s only when I was sitting in the metro that I looked in my bag and realized that I had forgotten my camera. Can you believe it?! I hated myself so much. I even considered going back to the hostel. But I had booked a cruise and they said that I had to be right on time. Otherwise, I would lose my spot.

View from the cruise

Skyscrapers in the morning
Skyscrapers in the morning

Taking Mental Pictures Of The Statue Of Liberty

Despite not turning back to the hostel, I arrived a bit late at the wharf, so I was very stressed. Lack of sleep, missing camera, late for my cruise, I was feeling down. But I got on the boat and decided that I should enjoy my day. After all, I was in New York, I was really lucky!

I decided to take as much time as possible visiting the Statue of Liberty and to take mental pictures of it, to make good memories. I had my phone and took a few pictures with it, but that was in 2014. At the time, phones were not the best to take pictures…


Inside The Statue Of Liberty

Of course, visiting the Statue of Liberty is not just seeing the statue from outside. You can go inside and there is a museum and a shop. The museum tells you about the construction of the Statue of Liberty, its meaning, what it inspired… You can see different products that used the image of the statue for marketing. For example, a French Camembert put a drawing of the Statue of Liberty on their box.


You can see reproductions of the statue’s face and foot. The size is quite something and you can take a picture of yourself next to it!

Face of the Statue of Liberty
A bit scary…

Foot of the Statue of Liberty

The Flame
Reproduction of the flame

Also, there were some pretty interesting goodies in the shop, like a Barbie Statue of Liberty.

Barbie Statue of Liberty

In the end, I had a great first day in New York. I was really happy to have seen the Statue of Liberty and felt like I was ready to conquer the rest of the city!

A seagull in front of the Statue of Liberty

To see more photos of the United States, you can visit the gallery United States of America.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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1 Response

  1. 14 October 2022

    […] kind of short bonus. But, at the same time, I wanted to do a lot. On my first day, I visited the Statue of Liberty and on my second day, I walked in Greenwich and did short cruises. On my last day in the city, I […]

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