Category: Jordan


The Wonders Of Petra

For a long time, I have admired the Treasury of Petra on calendars and inspirational traveling photos. Despite seeing so many times, I didn’t really look for information about the site. In fact, I thought that Petra was this magnificent door carved in the mountain and just that. In February 2022, I had finished my contract and I was looking for some time off to get some rest before finding my next professional adventure. I hadn’t done any big trip since Covid and I wasn’t too reassured about traveling by myself. So I found an organized trip. And I got the opportunity to travel to Jordan!


Jerash Deserves Your Attention

If I tell you Jordan, what do you think about? Let me guess… Petra? Most of the advertisement for Jordan is about Petra. And this is understandable because this is a stunning park (yes, it’s more than just the door you see on travelling magazines). But, despite being a very small country, Jordan has a lot to offer! And one of the places I was glad I discovered was Jerash!