Category: France

Coline And The Chocolate Factory

Last February, I booked a visit of a chocolate factory called Chocolat des Princes, near Saint-Étienne, in France. I moderated my expectations and thought it might...

Discovering Albi In A Day

One hour from Toulouse is Albi, a magnificent little city. I really like Albi, because nearly everything there looks beautiful. You’ll find an impressive cathedral, gardens...

Agde And Cap d’Agde

A little bit of Summer in Winter. Today, I will tell you about Agde and Cap d’Agde, in France. If you are French, you might have...


Spending A Day In Metz

I had been wanting to visit Luxembourg for a while, and there was a stop in Metz, to change trains. So, I thought “Why not sleep in Metz and spend a day there?”. I had never been to the city and I always enjoy discovering new places.


Lac D’Oô: The Lake That Makes You Go “Wow”!

Two hours (by car) from Toulouse, there is a really cool hike to do. You start at the bottom of the mountain and hike to the top of the mountain to discover one or several lakes (depending on your strength and on the time you have. The first lake you get to see is called Lac d’Oô because that’s the name of the village next to it.