Tagged: london

Songs, Memories And Feelings

I couldn’t live without music. It helps me go through the day, deal with my emotions (whether it is by screaming my anger, having a good...


Christmas At Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens seemed really nice. However, for some reason, I never went there. I think it was a bit far from my house. Finally, in 2015, I went to Christmas At Kew with a friend.


Christmas In London

A lot of weird things happen in London during Christmas time. For example, have you ever seen a gathering of Santas? No? Well, stay with me and you will.


A Giant Pillow Fight

As a child, you were probably involved in a few or even many pillow fights. Do you know that there is an official Pillow Fight Day on the first Saturday in April?


The mysterious Shell Grotto

I discovered the Grotto Shell through one of the travelling websites I follow, and I got very curious. The walls are covered with seashells (4.6 million shells).