Tagged: street art

Street Art in Barcelona

Two years ago, I spent a few days in Spain and I was impressed by the street art in Barcelona! And by street art, I mean art in the street, not just graffiti.


Alternative Bucharest

In 2015, I spent a couple of days in Bucharest. When she learnt that I was going to Bucharest, one of my Romanian friends asked me why, because she really doesn’t like the city. She said that there are many beautiful places in Romania other than Bucharest. So when I arrived in the capital, I was happy to discover a new culture, but I had no expectations.


Montmartre’s Street Art

If you are visiting Paris and, like me, you enjoy chasing the street art, I recommend going to Montmartre. This district is well known for its artistic history. In the 19th century, it was the home of many artists, and quite a few of them are now renowned.