Tagged: thoughts


Does Being Alone Mean You’re Strong?

I’m a mix between introvert and extrovert: I need some me-time to recharge, but after a while, I feel lonely and I need to share my experiences. So I also need time socializing with other people to recharge, but after too much time with people, I once again need time alone.


About Memories & Travel Journals

I don’t remember exactly when it started. I have always been writing. Diaries, stories, songs, poems… So I guess that confiding in travel journals seemed inevitable.


This Summer, Love Your Body!

As every Summer, women are expected to look perfect for the bikini season. But I think women (and men) should get a break from looking fabulous (whose idea of fabulous is this, by the way?) and should instead do their best to feel good. The temperatures are already really high, and it’s hard to not feel sweaty when you feel the need to cover yourself… Here are a few ideas to love your body!


How To Find Your Next Destination?

More and more people are asking me “How do you know where to go? Where do you find inspiration?”. Honestly, I never had to really look for a destination, it feels like there are always more places I want to visit, it’s endless. However, as this question keeps popping up, I decided I would try to answer it. So, I tried to look into my process, a process I’m not even conscious of.


In 2022, Listen More

As we end a second year of pandemic mess and stress, I vow to take better care of myself and to listen more to what my body tells me. I read the other day that you should enjoy drawing because you like drawing and not because you are exceptionally good at it. Not everything is a competition.


Don’t Feel Guilty For Not Keeping In Touch

During the last ten years, I have met a lot of great people. But then, they were living too far and I felt like I missed something, a new friendship. And I felt guilty not to keep in touch and talk to them regularly on social medias.