About My Trip Around The World (Part 1)

I started this blog 5 years ago, how crazy is that? I had just come back from my biggest trip: a trip around the world. Not all of the world’s countries of course, but I did travel around the earth. The reason: I wanted to celebrate my 30th birthday with my faraway friends.

A meal in Merida, Mexico

Turning Thirty And Celebrating By Doing A Trip Around The World

As I was about to turn thirty, I was thinking that I should do something special. Usually, for such an important birthday, you invite all your friends and you organize a giant party. One problem: because of my extensive traveling and of my language studies, a lot of my friends lived far away from my place, most of them not even in France…

So I thought that I should do the opposite and invite myself to their city to celebrate my birthday with them. And that’s how the idea of a trip around the world was born!

Trip around the world

Where To Start My Trip Around The World?

Eating The First Birthday Cakes In My Previous Homes

After celebrating my birthday on D Day at a restaurant with my parents in France, I hopped on a plane to London, where I lived for 3 years before moving back to France. There, I spent some quality time with my old housemates and some friends. I had booked an escape game and a table in a restaurant. It was a lot of fun!

Birthday cake in London

From London To Cusco

What friends did I meet in Peru? None that was known previously. I had dreamed of seeing Machu Picchu for a while and decided to add a stay in Peru to my trip around the world.

I had booked a bed in a hostel in Cusco and that’s where I met Giani, a Peruvian girl from Lima. During a tour, we became friends with two sisters from Brazil, Sheiná and Yasmin. At the end of the day, we went to a restaurant and had fascinating conversations. I don’t know when, but one of them told the staff that it was my birthday and we got a tiny cake with the staff and the girls singing “feliz cumpleaños” and it was a magical moment!

Remember: traveling alone doesn’t necessarily mean being alone.

Country 2 of my trip around the world

Discovering The Yucatán Region With Cristina

In 2014, as I was traveling by bus from Amsterdam to Berlin, I met Cristina, a super friendly Mexican girl. We kept in touch and when I said that I would go on a trip around the world, she invited me to her place, in Merida. Of course, I said yes!

Yucatán is one of the safest regions in Mexico, and that’s where you can visit some incredible sites with Mayan pyramides like Uxmal (pronounce “ooshmal”). Cristina and her partner bought a cake and we celebrated my birthday together. Even Polo, the crazy dog, participated!

A birthday cake in Merida

Meeting Old Friends In Canada

Despite having a great time in Merida, this part of the trip ended in a car accident. A drunk guy hit us before running away. The car was wrecked, but we got lucky and were nearly unarmed. Still, we all got a shot in the ass and some radios at the nearest hospital. We were pretty freaked out, to be honest. The next day, I was taking a bus to Cancun to spend the night before flying to Toronto. I didn’t sleep, still hyped by the adrenaline.

Feeling Safe In Toronto

In Toronto, I was welcomed by a friend from university. She had moved to Toronto for her internship and had stayed there. She and her boyfriend picked me up from the airport. Because of my misadventures and lack of sleep and because I hadn’t seen her in a while, as soon as I saw her, I broke into tears. We hugged for a while before going to the car.

In Toronto, we just took our time near a lake, walking, chatting, feeding chipmunks and, of course, eating cake. I needed that rest so much, and it allowed me to continue my trip around the world.

A boat trip near Toronto

Sharing My Birthday With Cassandra in Ottawa

I met Cassandra a few years ago in Pisa, Italy. We met once again when she was visiting London. And later, we organized a trip to Bulgaria together. We were both born on the same day (not the same year), so it made even more sense to blow out candles with her.

Because she was living in Ottawa, we decided to meet there. But before I arrived, she found a new job in Halifax and moved there. She didn’t tell me anything about it because she wanted to see me, so she booked an airbnb and guided me through the city during my stay.

Same birthday

Last Canadian Stop Of My Trip Around The World: Montreal

Last but not least: Montreal! I had to go there to take my plane to Japan, so it was supposed to be just a quick stop. But I still had time for a walk in Mont Royal Park and to eat some poutine with Lucie, a French friend, who was there at the same time as me.

Funny thing: the first time I met Lucie was also in Montreal, even though we both live in France. Talk about fate!

Poutine in Montreal

The rest of my trip around the world will be in the next article.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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