Category: France


Rocamadour: A Blurry Childhood Memory

Whenever I drive from Toulouse to Poitiers, to see my parents, I see a lot of signs indicating that are cool places to see. Actually, that’s partly why I decided to visit the Gouffre de Padirac. Another sign I see everytime I drive on that road is “Rocamadour”. In March, as I was going to Poitiers to celebrate my father and my brother’s birthdays, I decided to stop in Rocamadour.


Gaillac’s Lantern Festival

As the new edition of the Lantern Festival arrives in Blagnac, in Toulouse, I have decided to tell you about the 2020 edition. Originally, the “Festival des lanternes” happened in Gaillac, where it was created in 2017.


The Salagou Lake

As I was looking for places of interest in or near Montpellier, I saw a mention of the Salagou Lake. The colours seemed surreal, and that’s exactly the kind of adventure I was looking for.


A Japanese Garden in Toulouse

In the city center of Toulouse, a 20 minutes walk from the Capitole, there is a beautiful Japanese garden. Located inside the Compans-Caffarelli park, it is not a big garden, but its charm will seduce you.


Gouffre de Padirac

Everytime I drive from Toulouse to Poitiers, I see signs indicating the proximity of many beautiful sites, like the Gouffre de Padirac.


Dune du Pilat: Between Desert, Forest & Sea

Last week, I ticked another destination on my wish list (probably the last one for 2020, given the Covid-19 situation…). I had heard about a desert in France. Not really a desert actually, only a massive sand dune.


Lavender Everywhere

For years, I have been wanting to see those fields with my own eyes and to smell the air filled with lavender scents. Being in Toulouse and kind of stuck in France, last July, I used two days off and a weekend to drive five hours and go there.