Tagged: uk


Boat Trip On The Thames: From Hampton Court To Kew Gardens

Last June, England celebrated the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Can you imagine? 70 years as a ruler. Can you imagine the UK without the Queen? Well, I was there. Although, I have to admit I was mostly there to see my friend. Still, I enjoyed seeing British people celebrating the Jubilee everywhere! Even on boats! On June 3rd, we traveled to Hampton Court to do a boat trip on the Thames.


Christmas At Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens seemed really nice. However, for some reason, I never went there. I think it was a bit far from my house. Finally, in 2015, I went to Christmas At Kew with a friend.


The deers of Hampton Court

Last week, I spent a few days in London. My friend is incredibly knowledgeable about what to do in London, and when I told her I was looking for a place to do shopping and walk in a park, she suggested Kingston Upon Thames that is close to Hampton Court Park. And it was the perfect idea!


The mysterious Shell Grotto

I discovered the Grotto Shell through one of the travelling websites I follow, and I got very curious. The walls are covered with seashells (4.6 million shells).