A Story About Karma (2): Finding Lost Luggage And Happiness

This article is part of a series that tells a true story located in Edinburgh, Scotland, and in Çesky Krumlov, Czech Republic. This is the second part, you can find the first one here. This article is about trying to contact an airline impossible to contact, finding lost luggage and making Nina smile.

Camera Obscura
Camera Obscura

Organizing Ourselves To Get The Luggage Back

After making sure she didn’t feel guilty about the “nice” guy from the airport, I tried helping with the lost luggage. I told her that we should tell the hostel staff about it to ask for their advice. It was probably not the first time that happened. I also told her that, since they didn’t answer anymore when she was calling, she could use my phone. Finally, I told her that we could spend the day together. I felt like going to the Camera Obscura & World of Illusions Museum. One of my friends had visited it and it seemed like fun.

The woman working at the hostel reception area was very sympathetic, she said she would keep an eye on the deliveries to make sure she would get her luggage if it arrived. She also gave us some advice and wrote down Nina’s name. I was quite happy because, this way, when I would leave in the evening, Nina wouldn’t be alone in this.

I lent my phone to Nina, but it didn’t really work. She managed to speak to the people who were in charge of lost luggage, but they didn’t tell her anything new.

My head on a platter
My Head on a platter

Focusing On The Positive: We Are In Edinburgh!

We went to Camera Obscura & World of Illusions, and we had fun. It was great, Nina was really open-minded and always ready to take cool pictures. I fully recommend this museum, it’s a lot of fun and feels like magic! There’s a room where one person seems to be a giant and the other person looks tiny.

I think Nina really needed to take a break from the drama and the anxiety. As we were finishing the tour, she received a call. We went out so that she could talk. Still the same luggage stories, but nothing new. She called her mother for a little while to explain the situation. Her mother said she would try to solve the problem.

After the museum, we hiked to Arthur’s Seat. No, it’s not a throne, no there’s no sword. In fact, it’s just a stone, but to reach it, you have to hike a hill in a pretty strong wind. From there, you have a beautiful view of Edinburgh. Even though it’s in the middle of the city, the place feels like wild Scottish nature: the higher you get, the stronger the wind. When we arrived at the stone, we took selfies. In order not to fall while taking pictures, we had to hold the stone! Our hair was flying above our head, our cheeks were red and our smiles were big.

Forgetting the luggage for a second
Forgetting the luggage for a second

Great News: Luggage Located!

As we were going down the hill, Nina’s mother called. She had called the same people as us, but her English was perfect and she clearly had more authority because they had said that the luggage would arrive on the next day at the hostel. Just in time for Nina to start the hike without worrying.

In the evening, Nina was a thousand times more relaxed than she was when I met her in the morning. It’s crazy how much can happen in a day. And this girl who seemed so distant was now someone important to me.

We ended the day by visiting a church. When we got out, I said goodbye to Nina, I had to get my luggage from the hostel before taking my bus to Glasgow. She held me in her arms and it seemed like she was about to cry. She thanked me many times for my support and this great day. My heart was heavy to leave her alone, I felt very emotional, and I was glad that I could make a difference in someone’s life.

Feeling hopeful about the luggage

I have some doubts about the category of this series of articles. It could be thoughts, it could simply be travel tips.

To see more photos of the United Kingdom, you can visit the gallery United Kingdom. And to read more thoughts, you can access the page Thoughts.

London Frenchy

My name is Coline, and I’m French. I come from a not so small, but not so big city in France, and I have lived in various countries and cities. I stayed for 3 years in London (UK), for 3 months in Vicenza, for 6 months in Reggio Emilia and for 6 months Bologna (Italy). I also spent 3 months in Bilbao and 4 months in Alicante (Spain). Right now, I’m back in France, near Lyon and I work as a web editor.

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